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  2. Рады вам, ценители тихой езды! Это не просто шум — это сигнал к ремонту!» Не тяните с ремонтом! Ржавый резонатор прорвёт — ремонт двигателя обойдётся в 3 раза дороже. Замена катализатора в Ярославле по цене от 5000?! Наш ответ: Замена гофры глушителя — материалы + работа от 3000?! Почему 9 из 10 клиентов возвращаются? Фиксированная цена — никаких «сюрпризов» при оплате. «Дорого!» — А вы считали, во что обойдётся игнор? Замена двигателя позже: от 100 000? Готовы начать? Это просто: Запишитесь онлайн за 1 минуту С уважением, команда «Катализатор». P.S. Первым 5 клиентам — антикоррозийная обработка в подарок!
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  6. About this construction, can it be modified for dual port? And if yes where should they be attached?
  7. This is a good design but a bit difficult to make the wires be stable under patch. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Measured-and-simulated-S-parameters-of-the-fabricated-antenna-element_fig3_330818544
  8. Lunokhod-1 and its antennas! Is the antenna a cannon or a ribbed rod? In fact, this is an antenna complex! Ribbed-rod guiding director system with an active element in the form of a spiral axial radiation antenna! Do you want a good 4G LTE MIMO antenna "like Lunokhod-1" for your dacha?
  9. My thought is to make it from 4 copper sheets 0.5mm or aluminium 1.5mm, 4 copper tubes 6mm or aluminium 10mm, and copper 0.5mm or aluminium 1.5mm reflector, then for copper I'll solder them all, and if aluminium thinking of using steel or aluminium screws to mount elements. But I don't know to use CST or HFSS software to simulate and correct dimensions, distances and more.
  10. Thanks, I've seen this construction, looking for a way to reduce frequency to 3300-3800MHz. Ca it be modified? I want to attach it on a 60cm parabolic disk.
  11. The Best Wideband Magnetoelectric Dipole Antennas With Dual Polarization and Circular Polarization... 07091876.pdf
  12. Petra 9-simulation and dimensions...
  13. Have a look DeepSeek.pdf
  14. This was the last deleted post. I have finished adding content. It was my last contrubution. EOT
  15. Very confused answers anyway from both ChatGPT and DeepSeek
  16. No I mean 10mm because that was the suggestion from DeepSeek
  17. Do you mean 1 mm, not 10 mm?
  18. Neither by reducing dipoles space at 10mm? Is there a way to modify it a bit so that make an antenna similar to Kathrein, with 4 dipoles supported from 4 tubes on a reflector? Please???
  19. This antenna is not good enough... 3.52ghz.cst
  20. New question for 3.52Ghz antenna at DeepSeek gave me differential suggestions. So I made a prototype but I cannot calculate, if anybody can do this. I attach a simple drawing not in real dimension just for understanding the all construction. CrossDipole.pdf
  21. can I turn one half of this antenna 90 degrees so that the antenna emits radio waves with horizontal and vertical polarization at the same time?
  22. I'll try...!!!!
  23. ,,,something like that... ,,,for a panel with more than two antennas a different configuration is required...!!!!
  24. hello! dear admin, please tell me how I can connect two or more slot antennas into a single structure. is it possible to power multiple slot antennas from a single source?
  25. Did you manage to simulate the desktop antenna 1800, 2100 by 75 Ohms?
  26. hello! what antenna name is?
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