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Everything posted by Admin

  1. ,,,and this loop is for 145 MHz...
  2. ,,,and they are really interesting....
  3. This size of wire is not suitable for this frequency.
  4. I think it would be best to build the loops from 3x25 mm flat strip."
  5. ,,,like this../
  6. Henry, you really want this antenna...???
  7. TP-Link CPE510/520 is a 5 GHz outdoor access point similar to Ubiquiti NanoStations. There is also a 2.4 GHz Version of this AP, the TP-Link CPE210/220. The device has a built-in 13 dBi 2x2 dual-polarized directional MIMO antenna with a beamwidth of 45° (H-Plane) and 30° (E-Plane). Installation 1,Connect the TP-Link CPE510 with your computer via ethernet 2,Set the IP address of your computer to with a subnetmask of 3,Open your browser, go to and accept the invalid certificate 4,Log in with user "admin" and password "admin", change the password in the next step 5,Go to the "System" tab and upload the OpenWrt firmware in the "Firmware Update" section and select "Restore" in the dialog promted the filename is limited to a length of 68 characters (as of: "1.3.0 Build 20150612 Rel. 50997", the real limit seems to be 80 characters - including the implicite prefix "C:\fakepath\") 6,Follow official OpenWrt setup instructions (e.g. IP address of the device is now
  8. ,,,maybe something like this 144 Mhz Magnetic Loop Antenna...
  9. ,,,hi buddy...!!! The yagi-loop antenna is too big for this frequency...!!! (the circumference of the vibrator is approximately equal to the wavelength)
  10. This page details the construction of a biquad antenna. The biquad antenna is easy to build, and provides a reliable 11dBi gain, with a fairly wide beamwidth. an antenna geometry of ideal biquad...
  11. ,,,,other construction details... yagi antenna.pdf siap print driven double U WD CHANEL.pdf driven double U.pdf
  12. I think this connector should also be taken into consideration." sma 5110.cst
  13. S11 or VSWR indicates the amount of energy reflected in the RF circuit and transmitted to the antenna. The smaller the value, the better it is. Generally, S11≤-6dB or VSWR≤3 would indicate acceptable performance.
  14. And what...isn't it good...????
  15. yagi

    >>>this might help you somehow...!!!
  16. ,,,for... dumser2.cst
  17. yagi

    ,,,hi buddy...!!! The border has an influence on the directivity of the antenna.
  18. Vika-1.1-800/2700N MIMO-Mesh Collapsible Parabolic Broadband Antenna LTE800/LTE900/LTE1800 / UMTS2100/LTE2100/LTE2300/LTE2600 Powerful 2G/3G/4G/WIFI broadband antenna with high wind resistance and collapsible design. Gain 15-26 dBi. F=790-960/1700-2700 MHz. Ra=50 ohms. Recommended for use with 3G/4G modems and routers over long distances.
  19. ,,,this is not possible, it's a mistake in the SMA plug (the connection between the plug and the vibrating disc)>>>!!!! ,I will send you the cst file"
  20. ,,, better try to simulate it yourself...!!!
  21. ,,,do you like this...??
  22. Types of Polarization: Linear Polarization Circular Polarization Elliptical Polarization
  23. ,,can you explain how to use CUDA in CST-Studio...???
  24. ,,,search here and you will find what interests you...
  25. ,,,you have the possibility of laser cutting...???