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Everything posted by yurik82
I measured 14 dBi field test on LTE-2100 (Band 1), 6.6 dBi LTE-1800 (Band-3), 3 dBi LTE-2600 (Band 7), -13 dBi LTE-900 (Band 8). Cable length was 0 (direct attach) This is best possible gain, when antenna is rotated in each individual band to get max possible RSSI readings. Due to the fact, that radiation pattern in different bands beam into different directions - actual gain figures may be lower if antenna is fixed (e.g. 1800 + 2600 Carrier agregation). There is no precise geometry measurements, since all elements are bent and misaligned. Patch-to-reflector heigh varies from 5 mm (patch with screw) to 11 mm. Individual patch height varies from 7 to 11 mm, as it is not glued parallel to reflector. Delay line is tuned to ~2200 MHz (right shorter half) and ~2100 MHz (left larger half). Due to different sizes of elements in phased array - phase lags is out-of-phae and power split is not equal.
this is narrowband design, can cover 2440 +-40 MHz WiFi for example. This particular is sized to 2150+-30 MHz. Because it is SISO design, you need 2 anennas and double total size for MIMO.
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upper fundamental limit is 13.7/17.1 dBi for 470/700 MHz to get any gain from dish - one need dish feeder (illuminator). Feeder itself typically have gain in range 9...14 dBi (optimal directivity depsnds on f/D of parabolic dish) If you have feeder with 10...14 dBi gain, why would you add extra parabolic dish to get the same 10...14 dBi (at 50% illumination efficiecny, which is very good efficiency, hard to achieve)? Bad news is that you can't achieve 50% illimination efficiency at UHF. For offset parabolic dish 30% I consider very good result, and for center-fed dish 20% is very good, due to shadowing.
if you are going to dramatically change feed port design - you need to optimize port capacitance. -j 20 ... -j 60 is too much capacitance (remove or decrease improvised capacitor) Request for this antenna was direct TV cable mount (via F-screw soldered to reflector) P.S. do 75 Ohm SMA exist?
jX curve is heaviliy dependent on port design - diameter and length of feed pin wire + size of lip-capacitor at port Jomy has SWR=1.41 @ 2.13 GHz, my model has SWR50=1.44 @ 2.13 GHz
the same design principles apply to hexagonal patches. I find ellipses convenient, so I calculated dimensions only for ellipse. Pseudo-ellipses work pretty much the same, one need to calculate exact dimensions
I simplified this design - more compact reflector (14x22 cm flat reflector is viable minimum) and single copper wire. For 2x2 ellipse design - same approach. only copper wire and no additional L/4 stripline transformer