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About alansy

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    Advanced Member
  1. be healthy! good luck in business!
  2. counted the sizes? when will you post it?
  3. What characteristics of this antenna? connection lines how?
  4. 3 Kharchenko antennas at 530 MHz connected by a cable assembly; more than 800 MHz is not recommended to use cable matching.
  5. maybe a little better!
  6. OK! I thought you forgot.
  7. Are the sizes of this antenna ready? can give? I want to do it.
  8. I try not to go to his site at all. in order not to raise the site rating. he leaves links to his site everywhere. here I was arguing with him about this antenna.
  9. is obtained? will we do this?
  10. 2 mm wire is available
  11. I'm not in a hurry! just for information.