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About clanon

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  1. probably for high band...(only directors) lower band MUST BE Tubes both crossed and combined on one output is 33 cm by 1,34 meters
  2. FR4 EATS 5ghz energy PES and copper tape would be MORE EFFICIENT . ALL METAL even better
  3. coax specs might be off
  4. could you post a .stl (cst2019 here)
  5. different solver and different settings would give different F resonance . BUT dielectrics play the BIGGEST ROLE...try higher dielectric constant WHAT THICKNESSES ? METAL moves fr UP ussually is 0.035 mm copper 1.53mm FR4
  6. Only way I see to increase gain...is a reflector (Not omni anymore , but could add 3dbi) (multiplying elements cuts down on bandwidth and impedance changes)
  7. the slits slots must be for wideband impedance matching...for FR4...
  8. THIS dual band could be easier...FR4 moderate gain is for 2.4 and 5.2 but could be TWEAKED i think...
  9. USE POLYSTYRENE FOAM (STYROFOAM) Low density as a spacer ,is TRANSPARENT to RF and have NO LOSSES
  10. PORT ISN'T THERE , dangling (not touching metal on BOTH SIDES) or wrong port...CHECK WARNINGS
  11. Different SOLVERS give Different Center Frequency (Frequency vs Time Solvers)
  12. thinking about 15dbi or more by adding a reflector...Sectorial...
  13. could any of you post a stl stp file ? (cst2019)
  14. DIELECTRICS usually , radome adhesives...All add up in this case sustracts...