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Everything posted by clanon

  1. Yagi

    ACIS .sat sab What year...? or STL iges step NASTRAN...?
  2. Yagi

    TV dish with support 69 cms 69 cm tv dish.cst
  3. Yagi

    use THIS one o change material to PEC or any metal offset dish.cst
  4. Yagi

    offset dish.cst
  5. Yagi

    nop...but maybe JOMY have one... diameter F/d ?
  6. Yagi

    you could start with my model and tweak it to your needs...CST MWS 2020
  7. well i personally ADAPTED 3,5 ghz and 5,8 ghz designs to 2.4 ghz ... any antenna could be UP-scaled or down-scaled... haven't tried slot feed yet...(it seems hard to get it right on DIY) but the PATTERN and PATCHES design could be used on ANY frequency system...(MiMo array) CP There's NOTHING unusual on the design...(except the electronics and the frequencies) feel free to delete
  9. each CIRCULAR PATCH (director too) FLOAT on dielectric NO CONTACT... Energy is fed trough slots at 90 degrees from each IC Driver one for each circular patch Circular polarization , slot feed , direct IC drive...ACTIVE PHASED ARRAY (for satellite pointing)
  10. analysis
  11. Modified for COPPER TAPE over PES (styrofoam)
  12. each floor (cement...?) would steal at least 3db...if you are right on the BLIND SPOT (on top of the antenna) you'll get almost zero...giving the antenna some angle and using a reflector (small flat aluminum , foil could do)concentrating the energy on your receiver from the built in antenna (it seems to be a 2 dbi or less)
  13. best BOOSTER is a better antenna...(might require surgery...minor) if the stock is not detachable...
  14. Starting point this site by Graham Sharples 13 cm bifilar helix I'd never found a good feed for DEEP DISHES ( i have a 1,26 m , 0.31 m deep dish F/d 0.25 )
  15. what about supporting the actual set-up with a GIMBAL allowing the antenna and router (with slack in cable) to stay at 90 degrees to level (maybe adding some ballast in the base) under 5 dbi wouln't do it for 800 mts and obstacles (disc cone) not sure
  16. Here's TWO things you might wanna try , BEFORE changing antenna,...(my 2 cents) The same 8/9 dbi UP side DOWN (diagram might point better to ground) lower angle A HAT (aluminum disc) on top of the same antenna (pushing energy down to AP) lower angle (BUT if 800meters 8/9 dbi (with lots of obstacles i assume) is NOT enough closer to 15dbi should do it) New antenna and finding the right HEIGHT you see...when the mast swings your AP falls OUTSIDE the LOBE of reception UP or DOWN...but OUTSIDE...
  17. it seems like you gonna need a DUAL BAND omni (with high gain but wide angle of elevation or small angle pointing DOWN) What's the distance to AP...? (average)
  18. the router model ... to check the use of two antennas...(separated a feet or so could be interesting) pretty sure is the ELEVATION ANGLE going UP and DOWN
  19. Yagi

    TWO folded dipoles (300 ohms in ideal conditions) with one 75 ohms cable and sometimes split at the end on Two pigtails...and lots of SILICONE...I think they're HITTING the RIGHT frequency and getting around 15 or more db...dunno REFLECTOR SIZE is GOOD , tho
  20. Yagi

  21. Yagi

    is two Yagi Folded dipole adjusted to hit the high and low Frequencies...i tried one and it has SEVERAL resonance PEAKS that must fall in your frequencies of interest https://www.wifi-antennas.com/topic/2101-698-3800-mhz-yagi/?page=1 the adaptation inside the box is REALLY important... Gain should be close to 15 db at best
  22. Trying to get more gain on small and easy footprint size, with FA20 patches as reference.
  23. antenna should have X , Y size incremented (width and length) Frecuency of results divide by Wanted frecuency...that ratio is Increment of x y size