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Everything posted by clanon

  1. The lack of REFLECTOR and WAVEGUIDE make it a quarter wave Yagi , Probe fed (never seen)
  2. 0D option ...what is it ?
  3. my bad! it cant never be under 1:1
  4. It's wideband by several PEAKS of resonance...if your frecuency of interest doesn't FALL inside one of those you're out of luck... So it's NOT continuos WIDEBAND like other designs...
  5. Is THIS right...? (the values for swr...)?
  6. Copy (bad) of Ionnica over 20 dbi...?
  7. yagi

    could be close to 15dbi if built right...
  8. yagi

    what version is it ? the modem https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=gWqWh86B200
  9. yagi

    VSWR on antenna MISSMATCH (it could be overheating) if the firmware allows it you'll see it as signals coming and going away...high strength and then 0...
  10. yagi

    1.ALL antennas show reciprocity TX and RX are the SAME....BUT if you have little power high VSWR and LOTS of PLASTIC you'll lose energy (efficiency) speed would suffer...(Having the antenna pointed at the RIGHT direction and ANGLE) 2 .that looks like PVC cover , it's good for water insulation but it CHANGES ALL calculations from FREE SPACE
  11. yagi

    tower mapper by PROVIDER
  12. That one NC LINK being ALL METAL should OUTPERFORM the one on PCB...Less losses...higher efficiency...more gain
  13. yagi

    MiMo (2T2R) it's the improvement over the max for a regular wifi (150Mbits/s (15Mbytes/s)) and it should start (on OPTIMAL conditions) at 300Mbps (30Mbytes/s) and UP Of course it depends in SIGNAL STRENGTH (- db) and QUALITY (Packets Lost)
  14. yagi

    2.4ghz (2400Mhz) anything above 500mhz behaves completely different to ...say 10 khz...At this high frequencies the cable behaves more like a waveguide than a cable...Coaxial shield keep the wave RF inside avoiding RADIATION spills and EM interactions...Impedance must be kept at 50 ohms from generator to load (antenna) any changes missadaptations would mean wasted energy or in the worst cases (like yours) energy bouncing back to the generator (wifi card) this is called VSWR and must be kept under 2:1
  15. then WITHOUT obstacles...TREES BUILDINGS (Line of SIGHT) you'll be fine with anything over 16 dbi...(Real 16 dbi) MORE BETTER...but you gonna need to POINT that antena PRECISELY) watching the quality of the signal no PARABOLIC DISH...you gonna have to BUILD a GRID (wire mesh) if WINDY or a METAL (ANY metal) SHEET curved
  16. yagi

  17. yagi

    WHAT CABLE is THAT...?
  18. PCB = High LOSS USE any FULL METAL antenna... use a mástil build it down inside and RAISE it with a POLE How FAR is the BASE antenna...city Kilometers....?
  19. Where is the ZERO point in SPACE (REAL AIR or Vacuum)...?
  20. ...SO....? you can make ANY point your point of origin ...translating the WCS... CHOOSE any point and make it! Point zero
  21. i could save on the other formats drawing only... TRY to IMPORT from 3d Yagi 3 formats.rar dont't forget if you don't adapt to 50 ohms USE 300 Ohms port... (or build the adaptor of 125 ohms) not easy...