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Everything posted by clanon

  1. "sketchy" signal is instability (poor SWR, Gain-Sensibility ,Losses ) all fixable with the RIGHT ANTENNA and wiring .Maybe using the same hardware you have now...i find out that different RF hardware respond different to same antennas But first of all you need to find the weakness on your chain A 24dbi GRID and or an offset parabolic could do miracles in RANGE
  2. https://pureadmin.qub.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/161046293/High_Performance_Balun_for_a_Dual_Polarized_Dipole_Antenna_FINAL_.pdf
  3. Isolation for DIPOLES at 90 degrees should be high...(because of the radiation diagram) Baluns seem complicated without a BETTER picture FR4 losses are HIGH... it should be possible to make it in METAL over PES FOAM(low density)...HIGHER EFFICIENCY
  4. if you already have the cuts (VACUUM cuts) insert 'em in the metal (delete the vacuum solids )and SEPARATE SHAPE...(it should give you the individual parts that were BOOLEAN ADDed before)
  5. You won't isolate by tweaking ONLY the feed point...the WHOLE electromagnetic diagram must be consider (All irradiating elements and surfaces)(for ISOLATION that is) SIMPLY put...: TWO COMPLETELY SEPARATE ANTENNAS are better (for ISOLATION of Ports) than two in the same cavity or close to each other...ALWAYS
  6. 30 mm to reflector (Aprox) PETRA OK.cst PETRA .dxf
  7. Nope it's a 2,4ghz...https://openwrt.org/inbox/toh/totolink_n300rt
  8. Losses on FR4 at 5.8...? Efficiency...? dunno
  9. is it possible , Jomy ,...that it has TWO resonances ?...and that they are at 1.8 and 2.4 ghz...does it makes sense...?
  10. How close am i...? don't know much about LTE range... but i really like the SMOOTHNESS of this one...
  11. You're RIGHT , my bad...Theoretically YAGIs only need 1 DIRECTOR or 1 REFLECTOR to be IT!... (PS:Just Semantics i guess)
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YUtCtA57I8AyKA4WGt4QRwAIShzAoUJn/view
  13. 0.78 mm teflon (NELTEC) 2mm from ground plane to Feed points (Tracks are closer to reflector) Cavities are 5mm deep...or so...
  14. You could use HINGES for the sides , and fold'em BACK for transport...(Or make it for fast assemble and dis-assemble...)
  15. ...and then...: it becomes a ...YAGI ! (a DISCs yagi)
  16. It's for unbalanced LINES (COAX) NO need to use a balun... (PS: Since the antenna GEOMETRY is electrically "BALANCED")
  17. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijap/2015/164392/
  18. and it "gives" Covid 19...a think...