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Everything posted by clanon

  1. RECIPROCITY is the fact that any ANTENNA (passive NO electronics) (and every antenna) has same conditions on Rx and Tx...Power only could be incremented through amplification (electronics) More DBi means you concentrate more of that energy on a smaller ANGLE (and the need to point the antenna) directional... Esta es facil y esta cerca de los 16db Lipton modified Bester 15V4
  2. Wich one...? Cual de todas...? Which one...?
  3. http://www.anteny.internetowe.slaw-ex.pl/anteny2_4ghz.html
  4. Finally...lots of LOSSES on the FR4...
  5. I think he wants it to be MIMO 2x2 (90 degrees ports...)
  6. Usually if you put a screw o rivet , etc right on a CURRENT MAX. right in the electrical MIDDLE Point (MAX CURRENT -ZERO VOLT) a node (point of zero RF voltage) at their centre, so they can be attached to a conductive metal support at that point without need of insulation, without disturbing their electrical operation (ANY metal or dielectric added to a design...CHANGES all characteristics and it must be simulated again... With the added benefit of LIGHTING PROTECTION if you put the whole thing to GROUND (tower and all)
  7. What you think JOMY...? 19-20dbi on 12 PATCHES...is it doable...? array franklin high gain.pdf array franklin high gain2.pdf
  8. Theoretically 9dbi MAX 1 Patch , 12dbi MAX 2 Patchs , 15dbi 4 Patchs , 8 patchs should give 18dbi but you need DISTANCE area ,(then box shape and volume and reflectors directors (more volume) on 24 x 20 x 5mm (with PES) foam...(even 20 x 18 x 5mm) works LIPTON Panel15v4VMod1b...(bigger volume) and weight ...(more SIDELOBES) Marine 4 patchs with director (a pain in the ass to build) ...(more SIDELOBES) haven't seen it... this gets close but bigger area (and some sidelobes) The thing with FA-20 PATCHES is that they get more gain with the FLAPS WINGS...at 30 degrees...(but they are really inductive and we need to correct reactivity Zi) Don't forget is a COVER of a Netbook (Intel clamshell Class PC)
  9. 24 cm x 20 cm REFLECTOR...HUGE difference in GAIN
  10. Any LONGER (more GAIN)antenna (for the Fr of interest , and BW , would get you Longer distances) you should start a Thread on this...(I used to connect two uhf 4w handys close to 20km away) making'em new antennas...
  11. Dragoslav Dobričić is a respetable designer , engineer with several years of experience and BUILDS...check it out (before simulators) AMOS antennas vg https://www.qsl.net/yu1aw/
  12. this one you could try... i'll check the simulations...later on ... fid24ghz.pdf
  13. All of 'em use 5ghz at the same time...dual band...you'll need to modify your antenna https://miloserdov.org/?p=2196 https://www.wifi-antennas.com/topic/52-dual-band-cantenna/#comment-98
  14. IMHO Hacking cards and BROWSING-DOWNLOADING cards...should't be the same... (AR9271 , RTL8187 and RT3070) for the former and some new MIMO for the later...(No need for ALPHAS...)
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wj47zaotgvpyzg6/MONTAJE DE LAS ANTENAS BELGRANO WINDALO.pdf?dl=0
  16. Solver type and settings...? (Time , frecuency...etc)
  17. Jomy , could you save the cst files in an older version...? (old PC , less than 4gb of ram here) I have a parabolic dish ready to test your antenna...trying a regula feed right now
  18. We should adjust it for dielectric PVC for sure (DOME) and test it on a parabolic dish... (PS: i could give it a try if you want..) My CST is 2017...can't open new files...
  19. I'm inclined to at least 1m2 of area and the most "perfect" parabolic or cylindrical curve...possible...(Cylindrical is much easier to get)...but the KEY ..is the feeder efficiency.
  20. the reflector could be something similar to a TL-ANT2424B (tp-link) but about the feeder you gonna have to ask JOMY (admin)
  21. 23dbm (100...150mw MAX) output UPLOAD 104dbm max Sensitivity DOWNLOAD Still it looks like you gonna need a parabolic dish...NOT SMALL with more than 20dbi of gain...perfectly pointed and the modem close to the antenna...which should be on the ROOF...IMHO
  22. https://5g-tools.com/4g-lte-link-budget-calculator/
  23. What STANDARD is this...? LTE , UMTS , or GSM... Sensibility is DIFFERENT on all 3 and WLAN... MAX is UMTS  2100 MHz: -106.7 dBm@3.84 MHz
  24. 20dbm output it seems it would need more than 16dbi...18 or more...IMHO specs.pdf