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Everything posted by clanon

  1. "the 16 slotter gives slightly higher gain than my Hyperlink Technologies model 2419G Mesh Parabolic, which is "rated" at 19.1dBi gain."
  2. Jomy , could it be that i'm right with all sizes...BUT the SMA is not on 50ohms (after taking a bite of it) is a tricky shape close to the FEED Line... i'm gonna take some more copper out of it and see what happens with the IMPEDANCE (so close to 50ohms) 49.13...
  3. Here is the MODEL if you wanna give it a GO... (Didn't work for me) 6 patchs.cst
  4. Z shows arround 49ohms going up with frecuency...(the secondary lobe and misalignment of MAIN lobe ...i'll say is the feeding line to LONG...or the distance between patches too big...don't know (patches size seems RIGHT now...i think) " total efficiency must be <-0.06 dBi" yup ... is taking about 70% of power ...NOT ENOUGH for a 100mw card...(should be close to 90%) PS: I'm using Frecuency solver (it takes a while to solve) and WAVEGUIDE PORT inside the SMA and close to patchs plane... QUESTION...Can i SCALE parts of the whole thing , separately...? without dissasembling all pieces...(going back to boolean add)
  5. What do you think...? Jomy... i'm close...? vswr and s11 ...still off (a little) PD: Check what i did to your SMA to make it work...
  6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282776048_Crossed_Dipole_Antennas_A_review
  7. mostly ALL parameters CHANGE when you add a reflector...Z (Real and Reactive), Fr , Gain , etc...(imho) Bat wing antenna "Batwing antennas generate a horizontally polarized signal. " "The "batwing" shape of the elements is used because it gives the antenna a widebandwidth of approximately 20% of operating frequency at a VSWR of 1.1:1"
  8. It's been used from more than a 100 YEARS... But then again the most used antenna is like a quarter wave + balun or half wave alltogether https://martybugs.net/wireless/images/ducky_inside.jpg
  9. ...we're EVERYWHERE ...it seems... Aurel do you have DIMENSIONS for that antenna...? 64 mm each wire...i think
  10. https://ypylypenko.livejournal.com/59306.html
  11. Dimensions...? anybody... it wold be nice to adpt it to 2.4ghz...imho
  12. Ceragon REMEC ODU...not shure of "original" frecuency...It's from a Radio Link unit...all i know
  13. i know...my setting for the solver and or mi discrete port location must be REALLY OFF... (closer to 0 db...i know)
  14. I wonder if there is a simillar FOOTPRINT SIZE patch with 16dbi or more... Plannar no space for big reflector wings (Haven't found it yet)
  15. some little thing is OFF...causing that small side lobe on the right...but the earth ground shape is TOO IMPORTANT to vswr and gain...apparently
  16. YUP...it's like they're "Forcing" the wave to make a 90 DEGREES through the FEEDING LINE...IMHO...(it must be important) I'll keep you informed if i have success...to 15 or 16dbis...
  17. Radiation efficiency seems fine... vswr must be the problem...
  18. getting there...RE-modeled... i'm gonna work on the coplanar waveguided thingy...now...
  19. It SHOULD have one BIG LOBE...in the CENTER (16dbi) and some smaller ones around...IMHO “Having carefully examined the cable entry point in the photos of the“ original ”, I came to the conclusion that there is not a“ bare ”microstrip, but something like a“ coplanar waveguide. ”Therefore, I provided for such an“ earthen ”polygon at the input
  20. try with teflon ...2.1 dielectric constant...Original material ...close to 0.7...(0.762, 0.787mm) PD: I was gettin LOTS of APs...but too litle signal... less than -62dbm...and a bunch with more than - "Foil materials from NELTEC (France) NELTEC is the new name of the company METCLAD. The materials are intended to be used as substrates in microwave devices. The thickness of the dielectric: 0.127, 0.254, 0.508, 0.762, 0.787, 1.270, 1.524, 1.575, 3.175 mm The dielectric constant (at a frequency of 10 GHz): 2.17 ... 3.48 Copper layer thickness: 5, 9, 12, 18, 35, 70, 105 microns Sheet size: 305x457, 406x457, 457x610 mm "