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Everything posted by clanon

  1. https://www.wifi-antennas.com/topic/300-magnita-1-universal-car-antenna-4g3g2gwifi/#comment-3007
  2. Vivaldi is OK ABOVE 1ghz... not much GAIN tho, and it SUCKS under 1ghz...we must try and reconsider...JOMY might have a UWB design...CONE and DISC...
  3. i think is 25Mhz to 1.7ghz... and the LF is below that , any wire antenna would do there...
  4. if you have two connectors...do you know the frecuencies EACH connector covers... Is the whole bandwidth 100khz to 1.7 ghz...? (or more) divided into TWO antennas...
  5. I'll try that VIVALDI on FR4 i'll tell later how it went
  6. Can you burn your own PCB...? we could dig up some design...
  7. It seems they use VIVALDIs (modified) on pcb for this...
  8. What about the PCB , ...? FR4 or something better...?
  9. 1:1 Pawsey stub...?
  10. is it the same on the back of the PCB...(the leaf shapes)
  11. is it a DUPLEXER...? and WHAT about the REST of the BOARD...?
  12. S11 is high Q (more than okay)@13ghz S22 (@17ghz) not so high Q What's the function of this MIXER...getting and S1 + S2 , S1 - S2... Sorry it isn't clear for me... besides the card you show on the first post seems to TAKE SIGNAL out...(and is incomplete)
  13. OK , this is what i got (low precision so take it with a grain of salt) tell if i'm close or far away from goal... it seems there's ASSYMETRY from 2:2 (and its okay from 1:1
  14. What about the REST of the BOARD you know is COUPLED right...? and there are missing components , there...a cap maybe...
  15. Electric and Magnetic fields are ALWAYS at 90 degrees per Maxwells equations ...(and nature) What make it electric or magnetic is the field orientation Vertical or Horizontal and their LENGTH
  16. YEP , those are Dipole Magneto Electric (MED) , the quarter wave at 90 degrees with reflector (supports) are Magnetic fields (0 volts half wave centers could be in touch with reflector) is were you usually put metal supports or screws bolts. etc (yagi) and the "leaves" are electric field (HALF wave ... being feed in the middle a DIPOLE) Moderate gain , 2 ports (mimo) 2 polarizations WIDE BAND As I understand it...
  17. is it me...? i see TWO antennas with TWO PORTS each...?
  18. this are microwave links designs from Israel ...don't remember the brand , tho ...Alvarion ...Ceragon ...Radwin... (more Gain and 2 x Mimo 2x2)
  19. what graph do you need...? (i'm working on it)
  20. i didn't see it...GREAT! i'll check it now CAN 't OPEN it is newer version...Cst2020 mine
  21. parallel stripes (transmission line ) width...separation ? distance to reflector...?
  22. the green PCB seems DOUBLE SIDED with lots of THROUGH HOLES...
  23. https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/9/10/1574/htm
  24. looks a lot like EIA dual dipole feed ...but wideband