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Everything posted by clanon

  1. MikroTik QRT 5 is a dual-polarization 5 GHz microstrip panel antenna with a gain specified up to 24 dBi and integrated radio at just 31×32×5 cm size The plastic case looks quite robust and UV resistant. The microstrip antenna array inside consists of 64 elements (8×8), which result in 10.5° beamwidth (-3 dB). There is also a MikroTik RB911G-5HPnD-QRT board, which features a 2×2 MIMO 802.11an radio (AR9342 SoC) with 30 dBm tx power. The antenna is connected with two short MMCX pigtails.
  2. i'll say all Dielectric Boom tube...Polycarbonate (ABS) for sure...
  3. Integrated LNA amp for Interference finding...All PET PC Boom tube...? Catalogo-Antenne-di-Misura-e-Monitoraggio-Monitoring-Protel-023.pdf
  4. http://wifipanelantenna.blogspot.com/2008/12/panel-wifi-antenna.html 1800.cst
  5. couldn't find it (was on a catalog) this is similar https://www.protel-antennas.com/files/22-Amplified-portable-antenna-ARK103XZ-PROTEL-HANDHELD-INTERFERENCE-FINDER-GSM-LTE-DCS-UMTS-data-sheet.pdf https://www.protel-antennas.com/protel-ark103xz-amplified-directional-measurement-antenna-band-lte-dcs-umts-1350-2200-mhz.html
  6. Trying to make a "GOOD" Lpda , SCIFI VIVALDIs from RFSPACE have NO GAIN (under 1GHZ) , Chinese LPDAs have LOTS of LOSSES and mismatch...50 ohms FLAT ALL band , just a peak close to 1ghz unavoidable on this antennas...
  7. Still testing , Imepdance needs some work still...But looks good so far) Copper tape under 40 cm long and wide...PES foam or PU foam dielectric
  8. @eco32 you NEED to try CST...is very intuitive and fast...and better results... backfiring CIRCULAR PATCH should have better shape...LOBE
  9. add a rim and ring...
  10. PES (Styrofoam) low density...1.075-1.1 Dielectric Constant (almost NO LOSSES)
  11. http://www.radioamatoripeligni.it/i6ibe/turnhard/turnhard.htm
  12. A very well KNOWN DUAL band antenna 8dbi @2.4ghz 10dbi @5ghz You tube internals (Andrew)
  13. Been beating around the bush for years to find a Good 4x4 patch array... Higher than 21 dbi , good impedance through the whole band,low enough vswr, under -20dbi side lobes... the original design is for 12,5 ghz and almost none side-lobes Power distribution Ratio 1:5:5:1 Changed it to WiFi , distribution ratio 1:1:1:1 (Original design Eliminated Sidelobes at the COST of 1,5-2dbi of gain) I'm happy (some testing still needed ) REAL dielectric constant of Polystyrene foam is a guess (1.02-1.05)
  14. i wasn't blaming anyone , just asking for YOUR opinion...
  15. without 90 degrees phase shift (at half wave center Feed)...two crossed dipoles are NOT Circular Polarized...
  16. https://www.wifi-antennas.com/topic/2548-catherine-antenna/
  17. without the delay is only two dipoles one Vertical the other Horizontal (Crossfeeding High Isolation BAD) @Harry36
  18. Circular pol means : there is 90 degrees delay between feeding points...to force a rotating 1/4 rotation on Each quarter wave (half dipole)...imho built in the reflector (strips)
  19. Looks like each one receives a different pol- at different timing... Anti-phase it seems LHCP and RHCP...
  20. Each one has a 90 degrees orthogonal difference . Polarization is the same but Phase is 90 degrees off ...
  21. probably for high band...(only directors) lower band MUST BE Tubes both crossed and combined on one output is 33 cm by 1,34 meters
  22. FR4 EATS 5ghz energy PES and copper tape would be MORE EFFICIENT . ALL METAL even better