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Everything posted by bejonet

  1. test..... modified with CST Studio
  2. the length of the 102mm coaxial cable is too short, can it be extended to 153mm or 204mm
  3. is it possible to be formed like this ??
  4. try install cst2018 64bit, my computer is not support, looking for cst2019 32bit but nothing found, is student edition support for your cst file??
  5. cannot open in cst 2016
  6. stupid question,,,,... what effect, if the antenna does not have an impedance of 50 ohms
  7. may I get the cst file
  8. what mean Re(Z1,1) = 38.9??? it is not 50 ohm???
  9. dimension of this antenna...???
  10. yes,, of course
  11. works at what frequency range
  12. and finally,,, this antenna pair with my outdoor modified TP-Link MR3220 ubnt bullet m2 firmware installed
  13. ok thanks, i will try to make it soon
  14. so,, that means this antenna can still work at a frequency of 2.4ghz ??
  15. I changed the design, is it correct?? but why yours VSWR working on frequency 2,519 ghz
  16. Is there something wrong with my design, I use PVC that is given glue between the patch and the reflector? but this works well, a little better than the "simple antenna" that I have made
  17. if i changes the thick of material, 3-4mm for reflector and 1mm for other, will it affect the results?? i solder spacer with all patch and reflector, and what degree beamwidth for this type antenna
  18. result of changes,,, and this is top of antenna,,,