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Everything posted by bejonet

  1. hmm... pacman antenna made from PCB, bestseller in my country they called siso and mimo i was trying make it from tin can this is good one but i upgraded to the best antenna 2 patches for better performance, thanks to Mr. Admin
  2. waiting for review this antenna
  3. Hi, can somebody help me design and measurement for 2,4ghz thanks
  4. i was..but still better than i have made now
  5. great it is working, more closer with 5dbi antenna which must i tunning again, if add more longer, can that add more gain?
  6. 5dbi rubber duck much better than my antenna, hehe... i test those antenna with tplink TL-841ND as repeater to connect to the main access point, and why my antenna gain cannot same with 5dbi rubber duck. i hope you can understand what i say
  7. i was change connector and try to compare with this antenna and the result this is my antenna and this is rubber duck my bad
  8. ok, i will try it, thank you
  9. like this ?
  10. i make this simple omnidirectional antenna, connector i take from rubber duck antenna, it is 60cm long
  11. what dimension of this antenna if i add more element can be add more gain?
  12. and this, gain 10db
  13. can you try to simulation for this antenna, frequency 2442 MHz. thanks
  14. thanks for the result, i really appreciate your work
  15. this have gain > 3dBi i think add more cones can increased gain , am just looking for omndirectional that simple to build and have high gain. sorry my bad english
  16. that antenna have gain < 3dBi?