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Everything posted by acri

  1. is there nothing to change my brother? I check it seems like there are no changes What version do you use CST?
  2. thanks my brother
  3. I understand my design is not good, but I will continue to fix it to get the best results in my opinion, which makes me wonder why on my PC the process just stops there ... is it really the process that I posted that takes a long time .. or my pc that is unable to process such a model
  4. if you use a metal spacer, it means short reflectors and drivers correct?
  5. its normally?
  6. do you try to place your error or not?
  7. teflon/nylon no problem
  8. build start from ground again?
  9. after I tried it, it didn't get results the simulation process is stopped in "calculating metrices: finished CAD processing" loading but not running
  10. ok, I'll try again later
  11. should s3 = s4?
  12. stuck cek this file 27.cst
  13. i dont know, this picture from my buyer
  14. ok, I'll give the size later because it was the result of the simulation in CST, with such results I was very grateful
  15. I might not know you, but I've seen your FB sometime
  16. delete first... actually it's not difficult, but I find it hard to write words in English
  17. no... i am human not cartoon but this photo is my picture on facebook
  18. for me aluminium for reflektor, best driver copper
  19. me achmad ridoi in facebook
  20. ntah siapa yang nama ente yang jelas, aku pernah liat foto anak kecil itu ntah fb nya siapa After all, who is your clear name, I've seen a picture of that little kid, who is it?