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  1. thank you for your answer @Aksonx2
  2. we are using WiFi 5 and for the client that will connect is relative because I want as much as possible Thank you
  3. Hello, I'm working on a project to extend our community WiFi and could use some expert advice. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: 1. Broadcast existing community WiFi signal to a location 5km away 2. Create a hotspot at that remote location with a 1km radius My questions: 1. What equipment would you recommend for the long-range WiFi transmission (5km)? 2. Any suggestions for creating a robust hotspot with a 1km radius at the remote location? 3. What are the main technical challenges I should be aware of? I'm relatively new to large-scale WiFi projects, so any advice, resources, or cautionary tales would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!