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About naumoves

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  1. May be! I will try to contact Maarten...
  2. My design is based on Maarten Baert's recommendations. fr4 1.mm (loss free) and 0.035mm copper (loss free)...
  3. patch_3.3_stack_3_r_sma.cst
  4. Hello Guys! I have a problem with Pagoda3b antenna for 5.5GHz. As you know Pagoda antenna is an open source project of Maarten Baert. He has got a page with dxf and gerber files of it. https://www.maartenbaert.be/quadcopters/antennas/pagoda-antenna/ I've tried to design this antenna for 5.5GHz using dxf files, but central frequency is 5.7GHz What i'm doing wrong? Help please!!! CST file of my design: pagoda_5500_right_9cm.cst
  5. Thank you!!! I will try this!
  6. Hello! Good work! Can you share you final cst design?
  7. I wanted to make this patch compact size... Will these via holes work?
  8. Yeah... You are right. Can i do it with via holes?
  9. 3.3_stack.cst
  10. Thank you! I found your design and modified it a bit for different length of feeder and teflon plug.
  11. Here are screenshots from cst. What do you think?
  12. I've tried to design something like plate sma connector with the same dimensions and materials. Do you know were i can find pre-built sma connectors for cst with right impedance characteristics?
  13. I think i won this challenge (with parasitic patches).
  14. Thanks a lot! I'll try!
  15. Thank you, Clanon! But i know about VSWR and return loss dependence And a know that parasitic patches can widen the band ... but i don't know how they effect on s11 and how i should design them right