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Everything posted by Harry36

  1. 4x4 UNORIGINAL dimensions!
  2. I don't have this antenna. I can only roughly predict the dimensions. Above, I laid out the estimated modeling, but it seemed to you not interesting. I adjusted the dimensions to good results at 75 ohms. I drew a 50 Ohm model in the original design. And played around with the size a bit. There is a reserve for tuning. I think I can get results like the 75 ohm option or better.
  3. Setting the boundaries of the output on the charts.
  4. Balun does not repeat Lira. VSWR and gain are slightly worse than stated. The overall dimensions are slightly larger (due to the size of the mesh cells). Impedance 75 Ohm. Easy to manufacture and not very sensitive to dimensions (+/- 1 mm). Lira_TV_v3.0.cst
  5. dBqDVB_v3.0.cst
  6. Narrower range, more gain. There is a curve in the project. You can change the coordinates with the variables w, w1, w2, l1 ... l4. You can get any shape of the antenna web consisting of straight segments In Fig. 3, all sides are equal to L / 2 triangle too
  7. http://patlah.ru/etm/etm-10/tv-anten/tv anteni/a-koefficient/a-koefficient.htm Try this option. Gain 13+ dBi. Frame side = 0.375L Antenna made of an aluminum strip 15x2 mm and a mesh with a diameter of 2 mm with a cell of 50x50 mm. Balun stands made of 0.5 mm zinc coated steel. dBqDVB_v1,0.cst
  8. http://patlah.ru/etm/etm-10/tv-anten/tv anteni/a-koefficient/a-koefficient.htm
  9. Yes, this type of antenna can cover the 800-1000 and 1700-2400 ranges. But to recalculate the dimensions and add additional elements to the structure.
  10. My friend, this is worthy of a separate topic in another section. I can make a lesson using screenshots if someone needs it. HNY!
  11. In order to build a connection for 10 km, you need to understand the physics of wave propagation and know a little about geometry. The range is 10 km - over the horizon. Even if we take an ideal “flat” terrain, the horizon for the observer will be at a distance of ~ 5 km. For a line of sight at a distance of 10 km, both points must be raised ~ 8 meters above ground level. If there are obstacles in the path of the link, then the transmitting and receiving antennas must be raised higher. But there are also Fresnel zones that allow you to receive a signal and "without line of sight." Antenna selection should be started by surveying the terrain at the link site and calculating the link budget. By budget we mean not financial resources, but the power of transmitters, antenna gain and losses at a distance. There is a very good service for calculating the link budget. http://www.ve2dbe.com/rmonline.html try to figure it out and then it will become easier with the choice of antenna.
  12. how much will it turn out? 18 how are you? I will not give you the cst files, you are not linking to the original source and posted earlier than I requested. It makes no sense to talk about the final dimensions of the antenna without detailing the power port. Draw a real cable and the characteristics will change. Using your dimensions, you get an antenna for the range 2200-3800 by SWR2. Realizing that at the beginning of the range we have the lowest gain, you knowingly doom the user (2.4 GHz) to a loss of power.(1.75 dB). For antennas of this type, for use in a narrow frequency range (wi-fi 2.4), it is more advantageous to match at the end of the range in order to obtain maximum gain.
  13. 520-850. the size needs to be increased for 470-790.
  14. On screen LTE. -/+45°. Try it.
  15. yes, this is not the only fact with Mikrotik
  16. The 3.3-4.2 GHz band is used for 5G technologies. n77 TDD 3700 C-Band 3300 - 4200 n78 TDD 3500 C-Band n77 3300 - 3800 n79 TDD 4700 C-Band 4400 - 5000
  17. Unfortunately, without the exact dimensions (although I do not see any differences from the original), I do not presume to judge the frequency range, perhaps the reduction of the reflector and the plastic case with the rod played a role. But we all see the fact of theft without the slightest alteration with our own eyes. This is a very sad page in the history of the company.
  18. As always, Crox's firm screwed up. The development of 2018 was stolen as an irradiator. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8410517 where are the differences from the original?))