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Everything posted by Harry36

  1. Hello friends! Thanks a lot for the previous answers. As I learn the CST program and start modeling circular / eleptically polarized antennas, I have a few more questions for you: 1. I was intuitively able to display the graphs of the left and right polarization components to estimate the eleptics / circle of polarization. I may have been wrong, correct me if I am wrong. 2. The HFSS software package can display graphs in X and Y planes. Is there such a possibility in our wonderful program? 3. if not difficult, show in the screenshots, please. 4. To estimate the isolation between ports in a two-port CPW antenna, it is necessary to estimate, in addition to the parameters S 12 (21), estimates of cross-polarization and co-polarization are likely to be required. Unfortunately, I also haven't found where it can be appreciated. 4. What other parameters need to be controlled when designing circular polarized antennas? Thanks in advance for the detailed answers!
  2. Hi everybody! How to get a picture of the field distribution depending on time or phase? Please respond with screenshots with steps. Thank you in advance.
  3. Yes, Boss thinking of making a grid of 4 butwing? I am confused by the size of this design for such a range: (the size of 4 elements will turn out to be 200 * 200 or more (you need to look at the side lobes), and the gain will be 19 dBi at best.This antenna is already on the verge of rationality (more than a pack of cigarettes). At the beginning of the topic there is a patch in a metal plate, it has a gain of more than 15 dBi With these dimensions, I have only one idea - SMA on the back of the reflector + balun from a 3-layer PCB (FR4). What do you say, friend?
  4. This antenna has been modeled for maximum gain, and low VSWR in the 5.6-6 GHz band. real bandwidth by WSWR <2 4000-6200 MHz (5G + WiFi 5 or 6 GHz). You can change the bandwidth in the Simulation -> Frequency section, and also add the rendering frequencies to the History List in the first paragraph by editing it.
  5. do you have doubts that they are not true?
  6. i'm ) sputnik6_12_1.37.cst
  7. Hi! cst2021? ок?
  8. Sputnik Lite 13+ dBi
  9. I do not understand what you are talking about. on Lan23 I'm Mr. Nemo.
  10. I have 17, 19 and 2020. modeled in 2020
  11. Jomi, the gain is not 15.5, but 15. horn height 150mm.
  12. ,,,Good day! And if you slightly reduce the size and shift the resonance up and cover the range of 1800-2100?