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About ALecNET3993

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  1. yagi

    hey, one more question. What is the main advantage of yagi disc over regular yagi antenna?
  2. yagi

    YOO I BUILD THE ANTENNA AND IT WORKED. THANKYOU SM!!! This is slightly off topic but could you link me to some resources or books thought which i could learn how you guys are able to come up with the dimensions for this type of disc yagi antennas? Is it just trial and error or do you use any equations?
  3. yagi

    Thanks for replying, this thread has been really helpful for me. But I one really dumb doubt about the coax connection. The green wire in the JoMy pic supposed to represent the braid or dielectric? My initial guess was dielectric because the braid extending beyond the reflector felt wrong, but then i saw one of the photos your uploaded where the braid extends beyond the reflector till it is just 2mm away from the vibrator. Again, sorry if this was a really dumb question.
  4. yagi

    Hey i went through this entire thread. Can someone explain if the 15mm rim around the reflector really necessary for the antenna to work properly? Because I have seen a few people omit it while simulating