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Everything posted by John101

  1. yes that's what I thought it would be like OK thanks for confirming
  2. ok so I connected it but what's the difference there are two places I highlighted with a red square
  3. hi guys: i have a question, can you advise me how to connect an antenna to a coaxial cable? it's a ubiquiti nanostation2. Link to the image http://www.digdice.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/nanostation-2-antenna1.jpg it's an old, electronically non-functional Ubiquiti Nanostation2 antenna, but it has a functional 10dB wifi panel PCB antenna, it's a shame to throw it away. I would like to connect this antenna to a cable with an RP-SMA connector. Please advise me where to connect the cable (power supply and shielding). thank you