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Everything posted by devton

  1. useless because: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQbN4PrLX2HeFXsEbDTY0c9193ykPSbLNTkVg&usqp=CAU
  2. SWR and sizes are beautiful! but it is hard to produce can u model this simple batwing with simple reflector batwing: square reflector with wings:
  3. do you have SWR-meter to test them?
  4. no, you did not model your Wings Reflector with Exactly this simple batwing: please combine it,model it
  5. so can you simulate this backplate with wings with this batwing: i need SWR graph frrom 1700mhz to 2700mhz
  6. i mean radiation pattern and Ohms of that specific batwing with this reflector with wings
  7. hello! can you calculate this conical reflector with Exactly this batwing:
  8. not much...only dbi will change
  9. can you model this sizes antenna with your reflector with wings?
  10. yes just reduse backplate sizes to comfortable for the irradiator sizes
  11. yes,if you can find all sizes, just put one 2-3mm above another (and rotated 90 degree) and yes it is better, but you will not feel the difference in real life in 4G so choose any and JUST DOIT!
  12. not sure you can feel the difference if you put one batwing 2-3 mm above another or use this fancy band in the middle are you going to use it for 4G? if so, there will be no difference
  13. one more time - to make irradiator for satellite dish just just make this MIMO "nazi cross" with small flat reflector (without sides) MIMO "nazi cross" with small flat reflector = satellite dish irridator
  14. this is some shit just maki this MIMO "nazi cross" with small flat reflector (without sides):
  15. this 2 crossed even better...because almost no overlay
  16. you got few sets of sizes for BatwingS in this thread you can just make it, you do not need program for this
  17. have no idea it is 5.8ghz anntenna - all i can say just by looking at this sizes
  18. and what about port isolation, db?
  19. still this is the best - such a tiny package and 12dbi, optimal radiation patern and i googled - it got low SWR in wifi2.4 and WHOLE most popular 4G bands all over the world (1.7...2.7) i am going to produce one for myself. from tin. and glue it to tiny, but very tough plastic box for microwave oven...it is gona be Perfect traveler antenna - tiny and good for wifi and 4G
  20. looks like perfect antenna for travelers - 12dbi, super-tiny, can be used for wifi and LTE bravo!
  21. short pin here = piece of conductor(short-circuit conductor)