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About matek_24

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  1. Thanks then
  2. So, can you send me a MY .cst file?? ... with yours changes
  3. I'm sure they aren't but I found only these pictures on internet. I needed something to start with. Could you send me *.cst file what you've made, please?
  4. Ok, my antenna - your pictrure... I copied the antenna in Autodesk Inventor.
  5. I'm trying to go throght this topic. It's not so easy but I can do it :-) Your antenna looks exacly how I imagined it I have no idea of these dimensions, because I've put the picture into Inventor and I copied all of edges except these - sized
  6. The main problem is I don't know how to do that. 1. What do you mean "translated"? moved, transfered? why? 2. reflector made of what material? 3. pcb thickness is 1.5mm 4. I guess a bit bigger then antena Do you have any tutorials? I just started with antenas and CST.
  7. Thaks for reply I've tried, but I didn't do anything. I don't how how to add picks corectly. antena_ns2.cst
  8. Hello folks I tried to simulate the ubiquiti antenna in CST but it fails. I don't know how to connect a cable etc. Will somebody help me deal with this? Please antena.stp antena_kierunki.stp