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About akoneko47

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  1. @admin So sorry, Seller have recalled the product and i sent it today
  2. Oh! sorry for unit of measure and If it just has a problem at the socket, I can fix it by myself. Thank a alot @Admin After this I will seriously study the antenna.
  3. @Admin Sure, Pls make sure it's okay and works normally because I have 3 days for return to seller Thank
  4. @Admin
  5. @Admin Freq : 2400-2500Mhz Gain : 15dbi W x H = 150CM x 2CM
  6. I'm beginner for antenna I have ordered Omni 15dbi outdoor and they sent the product is in an incomplete condition. (The center axis of that pole slipped inside ) I try fix tem but i saw "The two poles are linked together" And I want to know this is the right thing And it works normally ? The two poles (line +, line -) are linked together it works normally ?