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About pragata.my.id

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday December 28

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  1. use copper wire?
  2. whether it can be applied to pcb?
  3. Can you put the dimensions on, sir?
  4. a/b/g/n/ac
  5. so, not all AC signals are MiMo, is that right?
  6. very simple, i like it..
  7. Omni, copper wire.
  8. satelite..? https://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/gallery/show_c.php?i=6000290a34f57a75ec35ded48a8ab2c9
  9. Port1 horizontal port2 vertical
  10. for nice vertical polarization in the upper chanel, and for nice horizontal polarization in the bottom chanel, is that right?
  11. but great, can carry bandwidth of 20 Mbps at a distance of 4 km, with horizontal polarization, signal -65dbi to -70dbi depending on conditions in the field.
  12. Tenda o3 is bad when set to vertical polarization antenna
  13. sorry, I forgot to measure it, this device is installed, maybe 2 or 3 days I finish the data.