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Everything posted by Hamza

  1. Nice Wich balun type is used ? And more details for driven element if it's possible
  2. Can I add more reflecters to get more gain ...?
  3. The patch connected or isolated to the to the reflecter ? It can be used as outdoor antenna ?
  4. Thanks jomy ! Mandarache made comparison in video and he got higher signal than double biquade!???
  5. I cannot wait jomy
  6. thank you clanon i need simulation
  7. thanks for your effort admin
  8. great admin i need more details and mesurements thanks by advance
  9. Wow incroyable !
  10. and the mesurements of cutting ! 61 mm ? 75 +61 =136 . ..136 /2 =68 the diameter of resonanance for 2.4 gh ? or i am just stupid beginner !
  11. if i try the distance lamda /pi =39 mm ?
  12. thanks admin if i try the distance lamda / pi = 39 mm between 2 directers ? i dont know how to do the simulation unfortunately.
  14. ADMIN je peux ajouter d' autres elements directifS ? et la distance d'espacement entre deux elements ?? merci d'avance.. could i add another directers ? if its agreed how much distance between 2 ELEMENTS , thans by advance
  15. Its kinda professional
  16. nice design and high GAIN THANKS
  17. Thanks