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About adeden

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  1. Happy heart, the next few days I will try to make it hopefully I can do it. as soon as I'll let you know after I've done it. Thank you very much for being kind, hopefully it can be useful. once again thank you very much.
  2. too bad I can not make this model antenna for 2.4 ghz frequency.
  3. Sir, I really want to try to make this antenna model, but there I don't see the size. please sir help me to put the size down so i can try it. thank you. for the frequency of 2.4 ghz...!!!
  4. Sebelumnya saya pernah membuat antena jenis ini, namun kemudian saya sangat tertarik untuk membuat model antena ini. terlihat sederhana tetapi memiliki kekuatan 15 dbi. di mana saya harus mulai karena saya tidak melihat ukuran saya buta tentang cst studio. Bisakah Anda membimbing saya sehingga saya bisa mewujudkannya. Terima kasih. Previously I had made this type of antenna, but then I was very interested in making this antenna model. looks simple but has a power of 15 dbi. where should i start because i don't see my size blind about cst studio. Can you guide me so I can make it happen. Thank you. tuan