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Everything posted by sandeepv

  1. Hello, good evening, did you find any mistakes in my antenna design steps.. if so please correct me . if I repeat the same steps to design any antenna will it give me good practical result?.
  2. even here also we are getting negative gain around 9 to 11 GHz which is undesirable ...... can't we reproduce the exact results from base paper ?
  3. Hi, thanks for ur reply.... in the gain vs frequency graph, gain value is positive over the UWB, but in your post after 9 Ghz gain drops to negative value... I think in the paper they plotted peak gain vs frequency rather than total gain vs frequency.please correct me if i am wrong. Have you got the similar VSWR plot in the paper ? . n
  4. hello jomy....first of all sorry for the late reply, while opening the sent hfss file i am getting the below error, please help me....i am using hfss 15
  5. Do u have sma connector design file in hfss......
  6. i am unable to open the file format jomy. is it really necessary to excite the antenna with a sma connector ? isn't waveport excitation not enough ?
  7. Hello sir, I need your help in designing the similar SMA connector in HFSS. Please also mention how we can excite the antenna Using SMA connecotr. Thank you