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Everything posted by jnkwqlqn

  1. Somebody has measurments for this antenna? or IGES file? https://4g.dp.ua/product/4g-antenna-olhon-2h13db-mimo-2x2/
  2. Thoughts? https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Yagi-698-3800MHz-High-Gain-12_1600089672915.html?spm=a2700.12243863.0.0.2ce83e5fe27gsj
  3. This version is supposedly more powerfull. Where to buy this?
  4. Very interesting,,, !!!!!!
  5. What is the advantage? Broder frequency response?
  6. Soon. I need to recieve the sample first. Maybe you can create a BESTER feed out of this.
  7. Dual band possible with 1 connector?
  8. Very interesting. This is easier to make and more gain than Bester feed. Probably easier to optimize too!
  9. This is a perfect candidate for a dish feed.
  10. Do you have a CST file for Bester?
  11. Chinese make such antennas also.
  12. You didn't see tri and quad band yagis before? I'll try to make a model later in CST. Pretty sure its possible. Example of multiband yagi. https://www.protel-antennas.com/files/31-PROTEL-AR1032-Directional-Antenna-Yagi---45--High-Gain,-band-3G-GSM-R-umts--dcs-gsm-lte-4g-760---960-MHz-1710---2170-MHz.pdf
  13. Can design such antenna for low bands as well? This is essentially a Yagi.
  14. But you have to watch the impedance! Is there anyway to calculate impedance for LPDA boom distance in CST, etc?
  15. DM link. If you can I cannot find it!!
  16. LPDA feed, laser cut.
  17. For this to work you need a thing called SPDT (SP4T, SP8T) switch. But you gotta watch for self oscilation.