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Everything posted by swarg_eu

  1. Combined via 3 x wilkinson splitter 2x antenna on wilkinson 2x wilkinson on wilkinson Its just added 6dBi gain by combining the 4 antennas to a 2x2 array
  2. Update, Today I replaced an old front end and got additional 1.5~2 dB. The old one had an improvised shielding
  3. If you are in a place with low RF exposure and there is los this is a good choice. If its easier for you can change the reflector to a disk with a bit bigger radius. Note that in the 802.11 standard the speed is actually affected by the weakest signal of a active client on the AP. If you are in a place with higher RF exposure an antena with more gain (additional directors) and an attenuator (long cable) to increase the noise floor for avoiding the CSMA interrupts in 802.11 is sugested
  4. Isn't the ~10dBi antenna gain enough for the 500m ? What is the problem?
  5. Put it on a 60 cm offset parabole
  6. Is the bottom of the patch only GND in the smal part like in the figure ? Extend the GND to the edges of the PCB
  7. 15x15mm , the arm is also plated edge at the end
  8. dron_arm.pdf dron_prop.pdf
  9. 8 dBi patch with matching to 50 Ohm on the upper side of the cross transformed (100 Ohm lambda/4) to 200 Ohm to get back to 50 Ohm matching The cut in the patch element is for correct placement (avoid wrong rotation)
  10. Drone like antenna