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About Antonius

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  1. yagi

    try using the SMA connector.
  2. Very cool. Thank you so much master Jomy.
  3. please can you give me the dimensions?
  4. What if it was made using a thin sheet of aluminum?
  5. For connecting cables from semirigid Teflon cables to 5C 75 ohm tv antenna cables should you use a connector like this or is it better to solder it directly? And how long should the cable be?
  6. This is how I connected these two wires with solder.
  7. Thank you very much Clanon
  8. Is this type of antenna body connected to the reflector?
  9. How to determine the distance between the biquad antenna and the aluminum sheet? Or maybe you can help master? Sorry master, if this antenna is made with a thin sheet of aluminum, will it have the same gain or will it get worse?
  10. Sorry master, if this antenna is made with a thin sheet of aluminum, will it have the same gain or will it get worse?
  11. These are the measurements I got. CATHREIN.pdf
  12. Okay. I will try to give the size in the picture. It might take some time.
  13. I have tried to connect this antenna to a 2.4 Ghz wifi router. Antenna works fine. Can master Joymi simulate this antenna for 2.4 Ghz frequency, and how many dbi gain is obtained? Thank you in advance.
  14. Sorry. Yes, the dimensions are the same. Right now in my country there is a lot of talk about the Catherine antenna. Looks very interesting in the attachment. To maximize the performance of this antenna is it enough to add a 120 mm reflector?