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Everything posted by garry

  1. But for the first experience of construction I would recommend KESL 32, it is simple and with the fall, which is inevitable, does not suffer much and is easily repaired. Also, to begin practicing a flight simulator, for example Picasim, this will save the model and give the necessary experience in piloting.
  2. Many thanks from the FPV brothers! I have already begun to build. Below found some drawings of models similar to those that you requested. FT Mini Arrow v1.1 AIO.pdf.crdownload RitwingDrak.zip
  3. This design is common on carriers flying over long distances, its main advantage is low resistance to air flow, as well as ease of manufacture.
  4. I see such a construction for the first time. What are the characteristics of this antenna? This is a variety
  5. It is interesting! But it is better for 1.2 GHz. Control of 433 MHz breaks at a power of 1 watt 50 kilometers. On board, the video transmitter has an omni-directional antenna in the form of a dipole VII (for better aetodynamics), its signal should be caught on the ground, and a good directional antenna is needed.
  6. For what frequency is this antenna?
  7. We have to look for a compromise in the design of the antenna. These frequencies allow us to fly further. Antennas with good characteristics make it easier than antennas for 5.8 GHz.
  8. To control the model for small distances, the frequency is usually 2400 MHz, the video frequency is 5800 MHz. For further distances more than a dozen kilometers, the control is 433 MHz, the video is 1200 MHz. So, that good antennas in this hobby are also in demand.
  9. Now the class of racing wings is becoming very popular. They are small in size, up to 1200 millimeters in span, equipped with a flight controller, a powerful engine (used from racing quadrocopters), a battery with a high current output. All this together allows you to develop a speed above 100 kilometers per hour. Controllers as a rule with firmware INAV, Very flexible and rich in custom firmware, allows you to customize the wing for your own needs. If there is a module GPS, the controller may lose the connection, or an emergency situation may return the wing to the launch site and plant it. It's very exciting to watch!
  10. Hello! I think for FPV flights for long distances the antenna on the basis of BESTER BDM-2 will be very useful for the frequency of 1160 MHz. In my opinion, making such an antenna is easier, and it will be successful among colleagues. Therefore, a huge request to the ADMIN to simulate such an antenna.