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Everything posted by efeksk

  1. Will this happen?
  2. 16mm circle diameter can not adversely affect VSWR?
  3. Mate. I made a drawing according to the measurements she gave with Solidwork. Would you please examine it?
  4. OK. I will make a Quick Draw and share it with you
  5. Measure from outer path to inner path 11,64mm Do you think it should be 11.17mm? Yeah, I made a copper wire antenna. But it's a tough job. And it takes a lot of time. I can not always adjust the copper wire length to the correct size.
  6. I'll share some pictures with you. Pictures of pcb antennas I have built. But the results are pretty bad. As you can see from the analysis in the picture, the center frequency of the antenna is 5430 MHz. Actually, I did my calculations at 5800 MHz It was a pretty unsuccessful job
  7. No. It should be 5800 MHz center frequency. It will operate between 5700 MHz and 5900 MHz. But the center frequency will be 5.8 GHz
  8. It's not a problem, dear friend. But will it take too long?
  9. Reflective reflector panel size 51x51mm Bi-quad height = 17mm Bi-quad Width = 33mm
  10. Can not you design your pcb design for 2.4 GHz at 5.8 GHz? PCB FR4 Thickness = 1mm Copper surface thickness = 35 μm
  11. FR41mm pcb. Frequency = 5800 MHz
  12. 100x100 mm becomes a very large antenna. I'm trying to make a bi-quad with 50x50mm panel size. You can look at the pictures of the sample work I've done. My handheld antennas were quite successful. But it takes a lot of time. I also have to do more than one experiment to get the right frequency and vswr value.
  13. I like your design so much but very much. This design works. I use RF Explorer Analyzer to measure antennas. If the design in this picture works, I would definitely like to build and test it at 5800 MHz frekans
  14. I have built various pcb baklava with theoretical calculations for 5800 MHz. But I could not catch the right frequency. For example, the pcb in this picture was measured as baklava 5560 MHz frekanssta 1.03 vswr
  15. An antenna with 4 panels is quite large.
  16. My dear brother. I'm really grateful to you for that. There are some studies I have done, but they are built entirely with theoretical calculations and do not work with the right frekans
  17. Hello there. Congratulations on your work. As amateur I do drone drill with FPV systems. One of the biggest problems with this hobby is the antenna. I am over biquad antennae. And I want to make one biquad antenna for 5.8 GHz. This pcb design was really amazing. I congratulate you. Can you make a biquad antenna for 5800 MHz? I am grateful to you. If you share the measurements, I can easily build it. If the PCB thickness is 1mm, it will be lighter.