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About Rio

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  • Birthday October 23

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  1. Thank you admin, gun wifi antenna, between the driven and the reflector, the cable at the end of the wire is not connected, yes, the driven installation is used in isolation so that it does not connect with the middle bolt
  2. hi admin and friends, I'm a new user, not used to it here, I want to change the default antenna of the TENDA AP4 router, so that the WiFi source capture power is far or focused, what kind of antenna is good?
  3. regards, admin, consul, I use tp link wr820n, 5volt power, less capture power wisp mode, if it spreads well, for example the antenna modif 1 to capture source / focus, what antenna model is the best, can strengthen the capture power of 1/2 bar to 3bar or 4 bar, plan to be interested in gun wifi antenna model, or something else, thank you