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About Fir3shoxk

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  1. Wait but why would that be the case? A ground plane is an electrically conductive surface, so isn’t copper one of the most conductive materials?
  2. Like galvanized aluminum for both the ground plane and the metal disk?
  3. For 2.4ghz Sorry, I have a couple more questions now. I have copper sheet only, so would that work as the ground plane and metal disk above the helix. Also does the gauge of the wire matter for performance?
  4. Hi! I have multiple questions 1. What material must the back metal ground and the loaded metal disk be? Could I use a material such as Copper? 2. What material must the helical line radiator be made of? 3. How must the coaxial supply line be connected to the helical line? 4. In between my helical radiator, could I include any insulator such as a plastic 3d print or does the region in between the line radiator have to be made from another material?
  5. yagi

    Am I correctly connecting the SMA to the antenna? For some reason it isn’t performing as good as I wanted it to.
  6. yagi

    Does this design still work or is it flawed?
  7. yagi

    Oh my thank you so much! What would you recommend then if I were to build a cantenna yagi disk?
  8. yagi

    Could you guys tell me if you think this design could work? I am building a 2.4ghz yagi disk cantenna, but I am unsure of the separation distances and copper circles.