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Everything posted by guest5255

  1. Hi! I hope my questions are not too begginer ones, spend lots time searching for info and would appreciate some answers. 1. I use USB modem(2.4hz, with 7 dBi antenna works nicely, but I want more range. I bought 10 m cable for 12 bucks and it just didnt work. I connected the antenna with my modem. I dont know was the cable such low quality or what that the losses were so big? It was the same as there were no antenna. If I use antenna direct on the usb modem it works like a charm. 2. Can I use large old tv antennas for wifi with no modifications? 3. Can using non 2.4 gHz tv antenna or home made one fry my Usb modem? 4. I bought 3m long coaxial cable and tried to wire 1 diy, 1 old antenna with no sucess. Are cable losses really so big or I dont do the wiring appropriately. Does a tiny mistake when installing connectors manually messes up everything? 5. I bought 21 dBi square flat antenna. If I put usb modem without any cable using adapter on the antenna, do I need some sort of shielding to protect the modem? Thank you!