Trying to build a long range setup, and have a bunch of questions about how to best do it. I thought I had a yagi antenna to use for this project, but discovered a few days ago it is the wrong frequency to use. So, you guess I could say I am back to the drawing board. I need to have good connectivity at around 900 meters, and would prefer 1400 meters if possible. My thoughts were to incorporate two different antennas to match the two different bands Wi-Fi connections use these days. One for 2.4ghz and another for 5ghz, since their waveforms possess different shapes due to the difference in frequency, but then I discovered parabolic antennas can manage both.
To my understanding, my options are:
Purchase another yagi
Purchase a parabolic
Build a super cantenna
Build a cigar antenna like the one I found on this site.
Build the hybrid yagi-cantenna that I also found on this site.
I was going to couple this antenna with a repeater/amplifier to give it more power. There are several available on amazon, of course. My soldering skills are not good enough to try to break out the breadboard and schematics to build my own. I just don't know what antenna would allow me the best opportunity to penetrate through the heavy wooded area that would surround it, oh, and that one hill.
I am also unsure at what elevation would this antenna need to be mounted. How much would gain be affected by elevation, and at what point would the voltage drop from the cable reduce any benefit received from an increase in elevation? Elevating the antenna would present some technical issue to the build, as there are codes restricting the height of an antenna mast before it would require approval by governing bodies, and the mast itself can get quite expensive fairly quickly. I also don't want anything that would draw attention or suspicion. Like a tesla tower would.
Last in this rambling post of a thousand questions, I was given most of a spool of buriable coaxial by a friend. From the looks of it, it appears to be RG6. Would this do? Or is something else needed with less loss?