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The antenna of the butterfly

No money for a factory TV antenna or have a desire to make something with your hands? Then You have an easy and quick project — antenna-butterfly. It is easy to manufacture, compact shortwave HF-antenna. It is called so because of the resemblance with a butterfly. For its production we need a copper wire with a diameter of about 2-4 mm. If the Antenna of the butterfly is done for external, that is external to the application — you can use 4 mm., and for the home (for example, to improve reception of 3G/4G or WiFi) will fit even a piece of ordinary TV coax cable 75 Ohm.
The production is simple — make a rectangular frame from wire.










For the theory of conical antennas  Butterfly(BowTie) see this ...https://habrahabr.ru/post/328728/

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Dont remember a brand. Its a standard wire antenna with a bend of around 45 deg. I riveted a 4 dia. piece of .040 aluminum to the belly skin to strengthen the mounting point.

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