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Bester Box LTE MIMO

4G antenna box Bester Box LTE MIMO is a subscriber device for improve signal reception of wireless data carriers, working in the 4G standard (LTE 2500-2700 MHz). Outdoor all weather antenna execution. It can be installed inside or outside the premises.
4G modem is installed inside the antenna and stays inside for the entire time system operation. If desired, the modem can be switched off at any time removed from the antenna and/or replaced with a new one.
The Bester Box LTE MIMO 4G antenna connects to a computer or router using a special usb extension cable

Operating frequency range, 2500 ~ 2700MHz

Antenna gain, 12.5dBi

Input impedance, 50 Ohm

The radiation sector in the horizontal plane (H) (-3 dBi)°25

Radiation sector in the vertical plane (E) (-3 dBi)°25

Spurious polarization suppression,  27-dBi

Maximum input power, 50w

SWR in the operating frequency range≤ 1.4

Connector Type 2 x N-female (female)

Antenna dimensions, 245x225x95mm

Space dimensions for active equipment inside the box, 185x85x85mm

Case material, active elements and mounts
PVC, aluminum, brass. Steel, galvanized steel.

Working temperature, ° C; humidity, %-40..+60; 0 - 100.




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