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3g 50 om

For those who have hand sharpened correctly, sgser(c site Lan23.RU) and manufacturer-SPE Anteks represent the simplified version MMO feed 1900-2200 MHz, I remind you that the development is protected by patent RU117484. Drawings pulled from the HFSS file our forumchanin Over146%, for which separate him thanks. The first drawing-material thickness 1 mm, II 0.5 mm. For those who do not need the MIMO mode, it is possible to make only one port, any leave (with a strip of the features better, but to make it hard) This radiator has never been done in hardware, someone has a chance to become the first. Good luck!






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"with all the excuses, but this one MiMo-patches. is not the best...~~~~!!!

", it's something for stupid stupid people !!! !!!

...best. try everything else ...!!!

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5 hours ago, lrg said:

OK . understandably . please delete this topic.

,,,for what...?? it does not matter ... !!!
I'm going to make a simulation of that antenna...!!!

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That would be the drawings...




and these are the results...


As we can see, there is a poor isolation between ports...!!!

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