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Feed Point back Side antenna mantbox 15s

The Mantbox 15s antenna is a dual chain Mimo but I am surprised if I see the back side there are 4 feed points and 2 connectors
can anyone explain about this?


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that is a power splitter (impedance matching) 

2x H pol. on one splitter

2x V pol. on the other splitter

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4 hours ago, swarg_eu said:

that is a power splitter (impedance matching) 

2x H pol. on one splitter

2x V pol. on the other splitter

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On 13/10/2020 at 9:34 AM, swarg_eu said:

everything else is 50 ohm



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The TD1205 main feature is to have internal GPS and 868 MHz buitl-in antennas. We are working on the ability to add one external 868 MHz antenna, but for now, the only solution is to use a TD1204 instead.

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