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Best Dish feader for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz at one dish

Best Dish feader for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz at one dish?

bester ×

dual band cantenna ×

bat wings ×

biquad ×

or something else ×

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It depends on the DISH , F/D ratio  . offset or center feed...?

you'll be trying to achieve 70% efficiency (illumination) or more if possible.


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I have couple offset . there is no center feed I thing. for the diameter I will check tomorrow.

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Dish dimensions  99/80, depth 9.5 . feeder rod 59 . but the degree of the rod is bend. from the calculator I saw that have to be 17 degrees. So I will fit it in position.
Suggestions for feeders 2.4G and 5G?

Edited by noobbbb

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thinking to make he can from copper since its going to be inside, soldering on the right dimensions should be fine

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