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Patch-Helix Hybrid Antenna

The helical antenna is a hybrid of two simple radiating elements, the dipole and loop antennas. A helix becomes a linear antenna when its diameter approaches zero or pitch angle goes to 90º. On the other hand, a helix of fixed diameter can be seen as a loop antenna when the spacing between the turns vanishes (α = 0º ) . Helical antennas have been widely used as simple and practical radiators over the last five decades due to their remarkable and unique properties. The rigorous analysis of a helix is extremely complicated for Circularly Polarized Patch-Helix Hybrid Antenna with Small Ground.


hibrid p+h_01.jpg

hibrid p+h_02.jpg


Helical antenna calculator...http://jcoppens.com/ant/helix/calc.en.php

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A new design of circularly polarized (CP) patch-helix hybrid antenna with small ground is presented. The proposed antenna consists of a driven patch, a parasitic patch, and a helix connected with the parasitic patch. The hybrid antenna has a relatively small ground, making the overall antenna compact. The proposed antenna can be packaged in a thin cylinder and can be easily mounted in the space-limited systems. Good impedance matching was achieved by capacitive coupling between the driven patch and the parasitic patch, while high gain was obtained with a small ground due to relatively uniform current along the helix. 





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Lunokhod-1 and its antennas! Is the antenna a cannon or a ribbed rod? In fact, this is an antenna complex! Ribbed-rod guiding director system with an active element in the form of a spiral axial radiation antenna! Do you want a good 4G LTE MIMO antenna "like Lunokhod-1" for your dacha? 


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