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the Bucket as the Horn!

Of course, with a bucket we are trying to "step twice into the same river". Discussion metal bucket as the horn has already been discussed  on the internet. It is obvious that to draw energy from the twice same amount of space is impossible.
Please note that the effectiveness of the example is superior to the dual mirror system and is comparable with them on bandwidth supports.

Use galvanized buckets as the mouthpiece, which probably can be discussed in detail .
And in this example, dispelled some myths. In particular, square (rectangular) patch element easier to manufacture at home, allows you to easily build wideband antenna and can be used in circular polarization.

And here are the achievements of some predecessors...







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I tried to make a simulation with such a bucket but the antenna Bester I reversed it and that's what it came out...




,,,this solution is much easier to achieve and has the advantage of a better regulation of gain in directivity....!!!!


,,,some bucket sizes...


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,,,another practical achievement...



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On 15/4/2019 at 0:55 PM, Admin said:

I tried to make a simulation with such a bucket but the antenna Bester I reversed it and that's what it came out...




,,,this solution is much easier to achieve and has the advantage of a better regulation of gain in directivity....!!!!

YEP , BACKFIRE antenna feed...

nasa yagi

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,,,frequency band 2.4 ... 2.7GHz...!!!



,,,if the antenna is overturned and will have 7 elements then it will be easier to build...!!!


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"and yet, the simplest option is the antenna SBF,  with conical reflector...



,,,the patch antenna(v) is Bester type...!!!



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On 5/10/2019 at 3:31 PM, Admin said:

"and yet, the simplest option is the antenna SBF,  with conical reflector...



,,,the patch antenna(v) is Bester type...!!!



just want to make sure.. the feedpoint is placed  in the center?

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,,,the feedpoint never in the center...!!!!

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18 minutes ago, Eric said:

23mm from the center..?


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Harry36-user,he meant other batwings, not even batwings, but Sputnik V.



Sputnik V,, put in a bucket...





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18 hours ago, Harry36 said:

what are the dimensions of the bucket and what is the  gain? :ph34r:


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,,,a simple notched lid can be placed in the bucket...



,,,or so with the bottom of the bucket...


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,,or a Batwing antenna....


....with a parasitic circular director....!!!!

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,,,it's possible like that...let's see...!!!


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