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Homemade Omni-directional Wi-Fi antenna.

If we had to participate in field tests of a transceiving apparatus, part of which was various types of antennas, and as Omni-directional, they are independent from the design and the claimed gain in performance for range transmission and reception is insignificantly different from each other. A significant difference was their price. Of greater importance, as we understand it from practice, had such option antenna as it is  efficiency, which directly connected with the working surface (the larger antenna size than she is better), but not with the stated gain. So simple homemade omnidirectional antenna is not what is not inferior to similar fancy designs.

 For beginners, we don't would advise to grasp for the production of Omni-directional antennas with a large gain such as collinear or the like. Without skills and lack measuring instruments to achieve from these structures excellent results not will.
 The antenna that we propose to assemble, has an important property. First of all, it is quite simple and broadband (bandwidth 200 MHz), this means that miss relative to the fundamental frequency of transmission and reception as a result of the inaccuracy construction will be difficult, which is an important factor in the case the lack of measuring devices.       
 However, simple a homemade antenna will differ markedly from the purchase of the product may because a nested design energy of creativity yields results.
The antenna is a quarter-wave vibrator with a counterweight



антен вн в.jpg

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Please make something like this,but with frequency 1860 lte band 3 and an impedance 75 ohm

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yes ... what is the size of the tube and the distance between the tubes?

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1 hour ago, Ingsun said:

yes ... what is the size of the tube and the distance between the tubes?

20x31,8 mm:5 mm,,,,it is clearly seen in the drawing above...!!!!

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Recommend an omnidirectional, circularly polarized antenna with a gain of more than 8 dBi

Would this option be suitable?


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,,,what is the diameter of the rings and plate...!!!

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6 minutes ago, Admin said:

,,,який діаметр кілець і пластини...!!!

The diameter of the rings is 122mm, the platinum is 122mm, but it is FR4 without metallization. Required frequency 2.35GHz


Edited by dumser2

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,,,122 mm diameter.../// I don"t think so...!!! ///maybe 40,5mm iameter...!!!

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6 minutes ago, Admin said:

,,,122 mm diameter.../// I don"t think so...!!! ///maybe 40,5mm iameter...!!!

Yes, I didn't calculate the diameter correctly. I took the wavelength as the diameter, but I probably need the circumference.

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,,,that's what it would be like...


reflector diameter=180 mm

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15 hours ago, Admin said:

,,,that's what it would be like...


reflector diameter=180 mm

Okay, but I need it for 2.35MHz. What is the diameter of the rings now?
Yes, drop the file CST

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d=52,5 mm>>>for 2,35 GHz d=54,3

dr=180 mm>>>for 2,35 GHz dr=186

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