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AX-Offset D60-60cm offset mesh reflector

AX-OFFSET D60 offset mesh reflector with high wind resistance, robust all-welded construction.
Designed for use in a complete set with irradiators at frequencies up to 7000 MHz. Recommended for use in LTE800/GSM900/LTE1800/LTE2100/UMTS2100/LTE2600/WIFI networks. The irradiator is not included in the kit and is supplied separately.

Electrical characteristics

Gain factor F=800 MHz at KIP=0.55 11,5 dBi

Gain factor F=1700 MHz at KIP=0.55 18 dBi

Gain factor F=3000 Mhz at KIP=0.55 22.5 dBi

Gain factor F=7000 Mhz at KIP=0.55 29 dBi

Mechanical characteristics of the antenna

Weight with mounting, g 1900

Overall dimensions, mm 660 x 6 00 x 465

Overall dimensions in the package, mm680 x 610 x 150

Diameter of the irradiator seat, mm 40

Mirror dimensions, mm 700 x 600

Offset angle 31°

F/D 0.53

Aperture opening angle 100°

Mast diameter, mm 35…52

Antenna Material Galvanized steel, Steel

Protective coatings Powder paint

Operating temperature range -60.... +100°C




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