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Simulation of antenna in CST Microwave

178 posts in this topic

Not right now, but you can solve it yourself...!!!

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30 minutes ago, vars-cat said:

How can I divide Batwing into 4 parts in CST Studio?


if you already have the cuts (VACUUM cuts) insert 'em in the metal (delete the vacuum solids )and SEPARATE SHAPE...(it should give you the individual parts that were BOOLEAN ADDed before)

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What changes should I make to the antenna? (mechanically) when my simulation results are slightly higher off from the center of frequency. thanks.

Edited by erossutrisno
grammatically incorrect

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hi, all of masters !! .. greeting from n00b .. i want to learn about RF :) .. so excited join here.. 

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Hello Administrator,

I'm newbie, Is there a way to force use "Hardware Acceleration" ?

I already tried add to Windows Environment Variables the "CSTHWACCALLOWUNVERIFIEDHARDWARE" Value=1 , like the manual said.

But my GTX 1060 is not use by CST.


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2 hours ago, Admin said:

,,,hi buddy...!!!!

,,, read this, maybe it will help you ... !!!


Silly, I copy pasted the text from the manual to environment variables and they miss the "_" character.....:D

Now the simulation running faster...........B|




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,,, which manual? ,,, and where is "-"...??/

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GPU Computing Guide.pdf page 14

This Character:


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4 hours ago, mompmop said:

Where is the S-Parameter (0D) option?


0D option ...what is it ?

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,,, yes, that's right, it exists in older versions (CST2015)

The post-processing template results are split as follows:
• One-dimensional plots (1D) are displayed in the project tree in the Tables |1D Results
• Scalar values (0D) are displayed in the project tree in the Tables |0D Results. In addition, the most recently calculated value is displayed in
the Value column of the post-processing templates window.
• Templates with a "-" (minus) symbol at the beginning of the name do not save the calculation results to
the Tables section of the project tree. This data is stored elsewhere. For
for more information refer to the reference description
corresponding template.




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